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What is the best exercise? If you are like our workout warriors you probably thought of many outstanding answers….

Here is what they said:

Chase: “Walking 30 minutes daily on the Treadmill”

Elizabeth: “Running 2 to 3 miles every day”

Anthony: “Going to the gym 5 days a week doing both cardio and weights”

Shannon: “Spin and Yoga classes everyday during the lunch hour”

Eddie: “Walking and running 45 minutes at least 6 days a week”


What is your answer? Just say it out loud______  We heard you and yes, that is a great exercise too! Now, here is the answer:

The BEST exercise is: THE ONE YOU WILL DO.  Yes, it is the one you will make the commitment to stick to with consistency and dedication. Exercise is necessary because your body was made to move!! So find the exercise for your own unique style. If you are new or have not exercised in a while (make sure to check with your doctor) begin slowly with a steady routine of about 20 minutes a day for about 3 days a week. Set a goal and increase it when you feel you are gaining endurance and increased strength. Your initial goal should be working up to 30 minutes of brisk walking about 5 days a week for a total of 150 minutes per week. When you reach that goal….then set another one until you are seeing results in speed, duration and overall fitness.

If you are already exercising this may be the time to mix in different workout sessions such as a spin class, dance class, weight training or again anything you can incorporate in your routine that will challenge you and you are able to stick with each and every week. Daily exercise is very important in your overall health and wellness. However, please keep in mind, you must be eating a healthy diet to see the benefits in both losing or maintaining weight and wellness.

Remember, the information on our Well talk page about the relationship of diet (what you eat) and exercise (how you move) and the reason why good nutrition is more of a real factor in having a healthy weight. 

More about exercise to come…….