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BHW Popcorn 4 – Multi-Color Kernels


BHW Popcorn 4

Multi- Color Kernels

Organic red popcorn, organic shaman blue popcorn, organic robust white popcorn, organic yellow popcorn.

Did you know:

Popcorn is a healthy whole-grain snack that contains plenty of fiber. Even though popcorn is low in calories, its fiber content can help you feel full by adding undigestible volume. Despite popcorn’s healthy qualities, it can QUICKLY turn to junk food once it’s popped in unhealthy oil and slathered in butter, salt or other toppings.
(Source: Livestrong).

We sprinkle ours after popping… with our BHW EVOO 1 and BHW Spice Blend 21
Fit with Flavor…NOT with unhealthy Fats!

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SKU: BHW-POP4 Category:



Our multi-colored popcorn isn’t just pretty… it contains special antioxidants called “anthocyanins”. It actually has 2.5 times the anthocyanin content of plain yellow corn.

Our multi-colored popcorn does not pop colored, it pops white and yellow!!



Ingredients: Only 4

Organic red popcorn, organic shaman blue popcorn, organic robust white popcorn, organic yellow popcorn.

12 oz /340 g

Good News we added 2 more ounces to our Popcorn 4 and kept the same awesome sale price! More to pop!! 

Was: 10 oz/283.5 g NOW: 12 oz /340 g

Packaging: Stand-up, dark green foil food barrier pouch with peek window.  FDA and USDA compliant.

Sealed above tear notches with an airtight zippered closure for freshness.

Once opened, just push the air out of the pouch before resealing it in order to preserve maximum potency. Keep your Organic Multi-Colored Popcorn in a cool dry place.

May we suggest:


Stove top  – Oil Popping Instructions: Place 1/4 to 1/3 cup popcorn and 1 tablespoon oil (Use a healthy oil such as Extra Virgin Olive Oil) in a heavy pot, cover and shake over medium heat until popping stops. While warm, drizzle with BHW EVOO 1 and sprinkle with BHW Spice Blend 21.

You may also use your favorite popper. We use a stove top Whirley Pot Popper or an Electric Popcorn Popper both make amazing popped corn!



Additional information

Weight 13.25 oz
Dimensions 2 × 4 × 6 in